Volunteer At Yoga Love
Volunteers are a part of the heart and soul of Yoga Love Festival. We are grateful for your interest. We are looking for individuals that can be fully committed. What to expect:
6 hours of community love volunteer service in exchange for a full access pass for $99. Optional camping is 25.00 for Friday and Sat (Volunteers Only). Send us an email with your name and phone number and days you prefer to work (not guaranteed). May 24th is set up 4pm-6pm, May 25th-26th volunteer hours vary from 8am-8pm. May 27th 10am-2pm clean up.
2. Volunteers will help with either set up, clean up, community potluck, running the welcome table, assisting guests with the location of camping locations, classes, parking, etc. We will offer discounted tickets to fully committed weekend volunteers first. A schedule with your time slot will be emailed.
3. We will offer 3 full sponsorship tickets to anyone who wants to attend and can't financially afford it. Please email us your details here: premavibrationsllc@gmail.com
Thank you!